Hello my love hope that you all are well. I am sorry I have been MIA (missing in action).
Today I bring you very good review on products that have been wonderful for may hair during my transioning process. When going natural you don't have to break the bank, buying expensive hair products or buying from expensive brands. There are affordable brands that can work on any hair kind and I mean any hair kind. Believe me I thought no brand would work on my hair but luckily a few did. :)
That's why I want to advice you to try a few products until you find the one that works best for you. Before I decided to go natural and I was relax all of the line from the brand Pantene use to work on me. When they came up with the Pantene relaxed and natural line I was very happy with it, because my hair loved it. Now that I decided to go natural they came up with a line called Pantene truly natural hair. Well guess what this line totally failed my hair I bought it and it didn't do absolutely anything for my hair but left it crunchy and very hard to manage. This product sale for for $5.50 a piece and I bought the shampoo the deep conditioner and the daily cream. That is a total of $16.50 around $20+ if you include taxes in my quest for products that would work with my natural hair texture I purchase many products.( ORS=organic root stimulator) did not work for me. Also, bought creme of nature products didn't work for me either. Now I have found the products that work wonders for my hair those products are the suave naturals tropical coconut shampoo and conditioner. This stuff is amazing, smells gorgeous and works for me love it. Also before I apply conditioner I apply the Vidal Sassoon one minute hair mask and my hair feels silky smooth. While other hair mask you have to leave it one for 10+ minutes this one it's a miracle worker I 100% recommend it to anybody with dry hair. Before this mask my hair washing days were a nightmare now I can truly say I enjoy washing and detangle my own hair and also my hair barely shed as before people used to freaked about my hair shedding so much. I think is very funny how the same company that sales Pantene its the same the sales Vidal Sassoon (P&G) yet Vidal Sassoon works wonders on my hair and Pantene doesn't.

Hola mis amores como estan? Espero que todas esten muy bien. Quiero disculpame porque eh estado (MIA) osea perdida en acion sus siglas en Ingles. Hoy les traigo mi opinion sobre unos productos que descubri que me encantan. Mientras estoy en el proceso de transisionar a la textura de mi pelo natural. No quiero romper el banco. Comprando productos caros oh de marcas caras. Hay que tratar varios productos hasta encontrar el que a una le funcione. Por suerte hay productos varatos y acesible para todo tipo de cabello y se los digo yo que pense que ningun producto iva a funcionar en mi pelo. Antes de decider ser natural todos los productos de la linea de Pantene me provaban a mi cabello le encnataban cuando Salieron con su linea para cabello alizado me funcionaba muy bien pero trate su linea de Pantene verdaramente natural y no hizo nada por mi pelo me lo dejo grueso y reseco. Comprando estos productos gate aproximadamente como $20 USD. Trate varias marcas mencionadas arriba. Pero nada me funcionaba solo me resecaba el cabello y lo hacia muy dificil de manejar. Pero ahora encontre unos productos a los que amo ya mencionados arriba (ver fotos) la linea de suave naturals de coco tropical no solo es bien varata tiene un aroma delicioso y le funciona a mi pelo. Pero con lo que mas sorprendida estoy es con la mascarilla de un minuto para el pelo de Vidal Sassoon me deja el cabello muy sauve y cedoso y sobre todo manajable. Mientras que las mayoria de las mascarillas para el pelo hay que dejarla por 10+ esta en un solo minuto hace milagros. Yo le recomiendo esta mascarillas de Vidal Sassoon a cualquier persona con pelo reseco oh maltratado pruebenla no se van a arrepentir. Algo que encuantro chistoso es que Pantene y Vidal Sassoon son distruibuida por la misma comapania (P&G) y uno me funciona muy bien y el otro no. Lo que mas me agrada es que por primera vez en mi vida no odie lavar mi cabello y dessenrredar fue como un sueño no perdi casi nada de cabello, comparado a que en otra ocasiones se creia que me quederia Calva.
Gracias mis amores y recuerden hagan bien y no miren a quien. ;)
Disclaimer: All products were purchase with my own money.
Aclaratoria: Todos los productos aqui mostrados fueron comprado con mi dinero.
See you soon!
Hasta pronto!