Sunday, December 13, 2015


Have you ever heard this quote "holding a grudge is allowing someone to live rent free in your head" I am not the kind to hold a grudge at all. Of course if you do me wrong i will be upset for the moment being. If, you happen to be humble and mature enough to admit that you were wrong and apologized I will also, humblely accept your apology. Have heard this quote too "Don't hold a grudge while you're holding a grudge the other guy is out having a party." I will be honest when I was young I used to hold grudges to the max. Now with being older I honestly don't think is worth it. Because you really don't gain anything from it. I forgive other for my own well being and hoping that they will learn to be better. A end is coming meaning also a new beginning is starting. If you're holding a grudges against anybody maybe this is a good time to try and exercise forgiveness I promise you, you will feel great about yourself.

Haz escuahcado alguna vez la frase "Guardar resentimientos es dejar que alguien viva gratis en tu cabeza" yo no soy el tipo de persona que guarda rencor. Claro si alguien hace algo en mi contra me va a molestar en el momento. Pero si alguien es lo suficientemente maduro como para aceptar que se equivoco yo lo perdono. Es de sabios admitir que uno se equivoco. Esta otra frase tambien es muy cierto. "No guardes resentimientos, mientras tu guardar resentimientos la otra persona esta teniendo. Una fiesta. Le sere honesta hay veces en la que si eh guardado resentimientos como todo ser humano.Cuando era pequeña era bien rencorosa pero con el tiempo aprendi que no vale la pena. De guadar rencor no se gana nada al igual que còmo dice el dicho de el apuro solo queda el cansancio. Yo perdona a los demas no por ellos si no por mi propia tranquilidad. El fin siempre es el principio asi que si hay alguien a quien tienes que perdonar o pedirle perdòn. Te recomiendo que lo hagas ya veras que bien se siente.

Thank you,


Friday, June 26, 2015

Look good no matter what! Luce bien todo el tiempo!

Hello lovelies, so it has been a long time I know, I know, but in honor of the #summer2015 here I would like to let you know about a few pieces of clothing every women should have in her closet; because every one looks good in these pieces no matter what's your shape or size 😜

1. A shift dress

A shift dress is great because it's lose, it's comfortable, well fitted, and it looks on just anyone. Because it has a straight cut it hides of those love handles we want to hide. Plus side we can't eat all we want because it also hides our belly think about all those summer cookout.

2. Boot cut pants

Boot cut jeans are also awesome to look and feel good not only everyone looks good on them, but because they fit a little lose everyone no matter your size or shape will look good and them and talk about you don't have to sacrifice comfort for style I know I don't.

3. White button up shirt

Well where do I start this is a staple piece every fashionista should have in his or hers closet. They are good for jobs interview. This is a given but again everyone looks good in them. You will always look well put together and you wear a white button up shirt well pair with black pencil skirt you look sharp.

5 wear spanx

Celebrities secret and just about everyone else if you want to look good in the killer dress this is the best undergarment to invest in because even people that are in shape use it. That's why they look good making us jealous now we don't have to be.

Well lovelies I hope you all try these small but helpful tips to feeling good and embracing what we have I know I did and do and I know I feel and look good in them. Anything that can help me look and feel better I will try specially if most likely is in my closet.

Love you all Lady

So long!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


This it's a very important blog post to me just because with this I'm really putting myself out there. I thought a lot before posting this since I will be pointing out a feel personal things which I have struggle with throughout the years.

You see this picture here, this it's a picture that normally I wouldn't post and delete. The reason why I'm putting myself out there is because when you are older you are kinder and more forgiving to yourself. Also, you don't pay so much attention to what people have to say; because believe me they always have something to say. Well with all that being said I would like to point out a few things. As you can see I have a big smile while when I was younger people use to make fun of me saying all kinds of mean things from you have big teeth you have rabbit teeth and so on. Of course I became insecure by that at one point I didn't even smile. Now people pay thousands of dollars so they can have a smile like mines. Also, you see my nose right it looks pretty normal to me yet some guy told me "Oh for a girl you have  a big nose." I mean this is even a person that is close to me. Of course I started feeling uncomfortable with my nose even though before I never thought of that, then I started looking for ways to make your nose look smaller. All it took it was that one comment for me to feel insecure. People don't understand the words do hurt and that they could truly scarred a person forever. See my skin color I am consider a dark person and there is nothing wrong with that. I mean light skin color people go and either get a tan so that they can look like me sometimes putting their health at risk yet in my country you are only consider pretty if your light skin and if you have fine hair. People are also very judgmental about your marital status as you guys already know I have a son and yes I am a single mother, I am not the first or the last one.Yet I always get this pressure from family and friends that I need a boy friend this or that. I mean people there is people that don't have a mother or a father and I happened to be one of those people. By this I'm not trying to have anyone's pity or sympathy. I just wish people would understand that there are more important things to life than having a boy friend or being Miss Universe pretty. I mean we all and I mean all have insecurities some people are just better than others at dealing with it. Also, if we could all make each other perfectly symmetrical so that we can meet today's beauty standards than we would ¿right? Since this is the way I was born I have no choice but to accept myself. Also I was not born in the US I don't speak perfect English I do have an accent. I mean at least I manage to learn the language, read it, and write it. It's one of the harder language to learn. Yet, instead of giving you some credit for at least knowing the language people just make fun of you. Believe me when I say this because till this day as an adult I still get made fun of because of my accent. Saddest part is mostly by the closest people to me. Well there I have put myself out there hopefully bullying will stop someday.

Ven esta foto normalmente yo no publicaria una foto como esta hasta la borraria. La razòn por la cual publico esta foto es porque cuando ya uno esta mayor mas muduro. Uno se perdona un poquito mas uno es mas amable con uno mismo. Tambien, uno no le pone tanta atención a lo què la gente tiene què decir, porque la gente siempre tiene algo que decir. Bueno, con todo eso dicho me gustaria señalar algunas cosas. Còmo  pueden apreciar tengo una sonrisa grande. Cuando era pequeña los niños se burlaban de mi me decian què tenia dientes grandes y què tenia dientes de conejo. Y todas las cosas horribles que te puedas imaginar. Claro que por eso tenia una muy baja autoestima y mucha Inseguridades hasta el punto que ya no sonreiá. Ahora hay personas que pagan miles de dolares por tener dientes còmo los mió. Ven mi nariz verdad, para mi es una nariz normal a la cual yo nunca le ponia atención hasta que un chico me dijo. "Sabes para una chica tienes una nariz muy grande." Porsupuesto que ahí entonces me empece a preocupar por la nariz. Y empece a buscar toda forma de lograr que la nariz se viera mas chiquita. Todo lo que tomò para sentirme insegura sobre mi nariz fue ese comentariò. La gente no entiende què aveces con sus palabras puede lastimar e herir al otro. Y hay muchas gente que no piensa antes de hablar. Ven el color de mi piel soy considerada una persona de piel oscura y no tengo un problema con eso. La gente piel clara o blanca se solean y hasta hacen cosas què puede poner en riesgo su salud para lograr un tono de piel còmo el miò y aun asi en mi país tienen este concepto de que solo las mujeres de piel clara oh blanca y de cabello "bueno" son las que son bonitas. A la gente tambien le encata juzgar a uno por su estatus marital. Còmo ustedes ya saben tengo un hijo. Sí soy madre soltera. Recibo mucha preciòn de familiares y amigos quė sí me tengo que buscar un novio què sí esto o què lo otro. No entienden què mientras ellos estàn preocupados porque alguien tenga novio hay gente què no tienen padre ni madre yo soy una de esas personas. Con esta no quiero causar pena solo quiero què tengamos concíensa què con las cosas què decimos podemos lastimar a las personas. Si todos pudieramos elegir còmo nacer o crearnos perfectos entonces lo hubiesemos echo. Por lo tanto no nos queda de otra que querernos amarnos. Còmo nos hicieron o còmo fuimos echos. No naci en Estados Unidos pero aùn así aprendí el ingles puedo hablarlo, leerlo, y escribirlo y aunque tengo un acentò estoy conciente de èso pero hay personas què se burlan de mi algunas son personas cercanas a mí. El inlgles es uno de los lenguaje màs dificil de aprender. Y si tengo un acentò què Sofia Vergara es la actriz mejor pagada de la televisòn por su acentò. Esperemos algùn dia el bullying se acabe.

I hope this has help you.

Let me know if you any Inseguridades.

Espero esto le haiga ayudado.

Dejenme saber si tienen algunas Inseguridades.



Friday, January 2, 2015

My favorite outfits of the year/ Mis mejores atuendos de el año

Hello loves, happy new year to everyone. I hope you all had amazing year and very fun New Years celebration with your love ones. As you know it's already a tradition for me to post for you guys my favorite outfits throughout the year. I hope you guys like it, and that inspires you to dress up no matter the occasion and to learn to shop your own closet and use your imagination. There is a lot of ways where one can express themselves. I like to express myself thru my fashion. Depending how I feel that's how I dress lol.

Hola mis amores! Feliz año nuevo. Espero què todas y todos hallan tenido un muy buen año, y una muy divertida celebración de año con sus seres queridos. Còmo ya saben es una tradición compartir con ustedes mis atuendos favoritos què use durante él año. Espero què les guste y què se inspiren a usar su imaginación y comprar en su propio closet. Hay muchas maneras de expresarse a mi me gusta expresarme con mi estilo dependiendo de còmo me siento así me visto.

Well beautiful ladies may this year bring us peace and happiness.

Bueno mujercitas bellas que este año nos traiga paz y felicidad.

Love you all,

Las quiero,

Yours truly,

Lady ;)