Friday, January 10, 2014

Recycle your favorite necklace. Fun DYI project.

Oh no! So your favorite necklace broke, a beautiful necklace with very nice rhinestones; but one fell out and you couldn't find it. Its sad but the good news is you don't have to let go of your necklace you can use those pieces to make otherwise simple items look, presentable.

So here it's where this idea comes in handy ;)

Don't toss your empty food cans just yet because they can save you a couple of bucks. For a while I've been wanting a cute and girly brush holder. Everything I searched for what either not quite what I was looking for or too expensive for me. Until I find what I want I decided to just place my brushes in an empty food can. It did look nice just plain and simple like that. I wanted to add some pizazz that's when I found a piece of cloth that I didn't need anymore and decided to wrap the cans with it so they can look more presentable. Then I thought this is too plain. Since my necklace was missing a rhinestone I decided to decorate my cans with the rhinestones from my necklace. Now I put the rhinestones to use in a project which turned out to be really nice and my opinion. Now I feel my necklace didn't go to waste because I'm still getting use of my favorite part from it  the rhinestones which were my favorite part of the necklace anyways.

With a little bit of creativity and imagination you can turn an ordinary object into a complete piece of work, art, etc.

All this little project took to make was empty food cans.

A piece of cloth.

A hot glue gun.

Last but not least the beautiful rhinestones from one of my favorite necklace.

Hope you guys like this idea and the concept.

PS: Special thanks to my friend Vanessa from for helping me.

Go check out her blog, she has awesome posts.

Thank you,


Let your imagination fly!

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